We are on the road once again. This time by van - 11 to be exact each marked with a magnetic "R" on its tail - filled with seven Rutgers folks and a driver. We have started our caravan journey to Krugar National Park. We will get into the park by 2:30 (a six hour drive from Jo-berg), tour about for animals (staying in the vans for those concerned parents out there) and then into Pretoriaskop Camp by sundown (as they close the gates to keep the animals out - if you are late you must pay a fine to have them open the gates). A boma dinner (lots of meats and starches) tonight around the fire and then up at dawn to go on safari for the day.
It is not guaranteed that we will see any animals but I am told seeing a lion or hippo or elephant in its natural habitat is an incredible experience. I look forward to the "hunt" to see one of these great animals.